Fantastic Cities: A Coloring Book of Amazing Places Real and Imagined (Adult Coloring Books, City Coloring Books, Coloring Books for Adults) by Steve McDonald: Review

This unique coloring book features immersive aerial views of real cities from around the world alongside gorgeously illustrated, Inception-like architectural mandalas. Artist Steve McDonald's beautifully rendered and detailed line work offers bird's-eye perspectives of visually arresting global locales from New York, London, and Paris to Istanbul, Tokyo, and Melbourne, Rio, Amsterdam, and many more. The adult coloring book's distinctive large square format offers absorbingly complex vistas to color, the crisp white pages are conducive to a range of artistic applications, and a middle margin keeps all the artwork fully colorable. Complementing the cityscapes are a selection of mind-bending labyrinthine architectural illustrations for still deeper meditative coloring adventures and imaginative flights of fancy.

Like a well-tuned instrument, your home can resonate with energy that either supports or undermines your health and wellbeing. In ‘Feng Shui and Health: The Anatomy of a Home’ by Nancy SantoPietro, you’ll discover how to harness the power of Feng Shui to create an environment that promotes vitality and balance.

With her years of experience as a Feng Shui consultant, SantoPietro offers insights into the principles of this ancient art form. You’ll learn how to evaluate your living space to identify areas that may be blocking the flow of energy, and practical tips for applying Feng Shui in a way that is tailored to your specific needs. Whether you’re looking to boost your immune system, reduce stress levels or cultivate greater peace of mind, this book provides a roadmap for transforming your home into a sanctuary for optimal health.

Overview of ‘Feng Shui and Health: The Anatomy of a Home’ by Nancy SantoPietro

Get ready to discover how your home can impact your health with ‘Feng Shui and Health: The Anatomy of a Home’ by Nancy SantoPietro. This book delves into the ancient Chinese practice of feng shui, which involves arranging your living space in a way that promotes positive energy flow. By following feng shui principles, you can improve various aspects of your life including health, relationships, and finances.

One of the main benefits of practicing feng shui is improved physical and mental health. According to Nancy SantoPietro’s expertise, when we live in an environment that supports our wellbeing, we are more likely to feel energized and focused throughout the day. For example, by placing plants or water features in specific areas of your home, you can promote relaxation and reduce stress levels.

Through practical examples and detailed analyses, this book provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of how their living space impacts their health. Once you understand the principles of feng shui – such as balancing yin and yang energies – you can begin making changes that will positively impact your life. So if you’re looking for ways to enhance your overall wellbeing, ‘Feng Shui and Health: The Anatomy of a Home’ is a must-read!

Understanding the principles of feng shui is just one step towards creating a healthier home environment. In the next section, we’ll take a closer look at some key concepts such as decluttering and using color effectively to optimize energy flow in your living space.

Understanding the Principles of Feng Shui

You’ll quickly grasp the fundamental concepts of feng shui as they’re surprisingly simple and practical. The philosophy behind this ancient practice is all about creating balance, harmony, and a free-flowing energy called chi in your living space. This energy is believed to affect your health, happiness, and success.

One essential principle of feng shui is yin yang balance. Yin represents passive and feminine elements, while yang symbolizes active and masculine ones. Achieving balance between these two forces is crucial to creating a harmonious environment in your home or office. For example, if you have too much yang energy in your workspace due to bright lights or loud noises, you can add more yin elements such as plants or soft lighting to counteract it.

Another important concept in feng shui is chi flow. The goal is to create an unobstructed path for this vital energy to circulate through every part of your living space. Cluttered areas or blocked doorways can disrupt the flow of chi, leading to negative effects on your wellbeing. By arranging furniture strategically and keeping spaces clean and organized, you can improve the circulation of chi throughout your home.

Understanding these principles will help you evaluate your living space effectively for optimal health and happiness. In the next section, we’ll explore how to put these concepts into practice by assessing different areas of your home using feng shui principles.

How to Evaluate Your Living Space

To evaluate your living space, start by identifying areas that need improvement. Take a critical look at each room and assess what feels off or doesn’t flow well. You can then create a balanced and harmonious environment by making small changes, such as decluttering, rearranging furniture, adjusting lighting and adding natural elements like plants or water features.

Identifying Areas that Need Improvement

Now, let’s take a look at areas in your home that could benefit from some feng shui improvements. Here are some common mistakes and solutions for improvement:

  • Cluttered Entryway: The entryway is the first impression of your home and it sets the tone for everything that follows. A cluttered entryway can create chaos and confusion, so make sure to declutter this area regularly.
  • Dark Corners: Dark corners can prevent energy from flowing freely throughout your home. Consider adding lighting or mirrors to brighten up these areas.
  • Blocked Windows: Windows represent the eyes of the house, so it’s important to keep them clear and open. Avoid placing furniture in front of windows or using heavy curtains that block natural light.
  • Unbalanced Furniture Arrangement: If your furniture arrangement feels off-balance, try rearranging it until you find a comfortable flow.
  • By identifying these areas that need improvement, you can begin to create a more balanced and harmonious environment in your home without feeling overwhelmed with too many tasks all at once.

    Creating a Balanced and Harmonious Environment

    Creating a balanced and harmonious environment is key to promoting positive energy flow in your living space, which can lead to increased happiness and productivity. When you walk into a room, take note of how it makes you feel. Does it feel cluttered or chaotic? Is the furniture arranged in a way that feels comfortable and inviting? By making small adjustments to create balance and harmony, you can positively impact your well-being.

    One way to create balance is by incorporating the five elements of feng shui: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. These elements represent different aspects of life such as growth, passion, stability, clarity, and fluidity. By bringing these elements into your home through decor or color choices, you can create a harmonious energy throughout your space. Additionally, consider the layout of your furniture – are there clear pathways for energy flow? Are there any obstacles blocking natural light or air flow? Making simple changes like opening up windows or decluttering can make a big difference in creating a balanced environment.

    When applying feng shui to your home, practical tips like these can help you achieve an optimal living space that promotes health and well-being.

    Practical Tips for Applying Feng Shui to Your Home

    When it comes to applying feng shui to your home, there are several practical tips that you can follow. Firstly, choosing the right color and lighting is crucial as it can affect the overall energy flow in your living space. Secondly, selecting furniture and decor that aligns with feng shui principles can enhance positive energy and promote balance. Finally, incorporating nature and natural elements such as plants or water features can bring an added sense of harmony into your environment. By following these simple tips, you can create a more balanced and harmonious home that promotes health and well-being.

    How to Use Color and Light

    Using color and light strategically in your home can greatly impact your health and well-being. Color psychology plays a significant role in feng shui, as different colors have different effects on the mind and body. For example, blue is known for its calming effect, while yellow is associated with happiness and energy. By incorporating these colors into your home decor, you can create a more balanced and harmonious environment.

    Lighting fixtures are also crucial in feng shui. Natural light is preferred over artificial light, as it provides vital energy to the body and helps regulate sleep patterns. However, if natural light is not available or limited, artificial lighting should be used thoughtfully. Avoid harsh fluorescent lights that can cause eye strain or headaches. Instead, choose soft lighting with warm tones to create a cozy atmosphere that promotes relaxation and restful sleep.

    By using color and light effectively in your home, you can improve your overall health and well-being. But choosing the right furniture and decor also plays an important role in creating a balanced living space without disrupting the flow of positive energy throughout your home.

    Choosing the Right Furniture and Decor

    To elevate the energy in your living space, take a look at the furniture and decor you have chosen, as they can either enhance or disrupt the flow of positive energy. When it comes to furniture selection, choose pieces that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Look for items that are made from high-quality materials and have clean lines. Avoid furniture with sharp edges or angles as they can create negative energy flow.

    In terms of decor choices, opt for items that reflect your personal style and bring joy to your space. Incorporate artwork that inspires happiness and positivity, such as nature scenes or abstract paintings with vibrant colors. Additionally, consider adding decorative elements like plants or crystals to further enhance the overall energy in your home. By being mindful of your furniture and decor choices, you can create a harmonious living space that promotes health and well-being.

    As you continue to cultivate positive energy in your home through furniture selection and decor choices, you may also want to consider incorporating nature and natural elements into your space. These elements provide grounding energy that helps promote relaxation and balance.

    Incorporating Nature and Natural Elements

    Incorporating natural elements into your living space can be a great way to promote relaxation and balance, so why not consider adding plants or crystals to your decor? By bringing nature indoors, you can create a more peaceful and harmonious environment that will help you feel more grounded and centered. Plants not only add color and texture to your space, but they also purify the air and provide oxygen. Crystals are believed to have healing properties that can promote physical and emotional well-being.

    The benefits of biophilic design go beyond just aesthetics. Research has shown that incorporating nature into our living spaces can improve our overall health and well-being. Exposure to natural elements like sunlight, fresh air, water, and greenery has been linked to reduced stress levels, better sleep quality, improved cognitive function, and even faster healing times after surgery or illness. So whether you choose to bring in a few potted plants or install a living wall in your home office, incorporating natural elements is an easy way to enhance both the look and feel of your space while reaping the many benefits of biophilic design.


    Congratulations on completing the article, “Feng Shui and Health: The Anatomy of a Home”by Nancy SantoPietro! You have gained valuable insights into the principles of Feng Shui and how to apply them to your living space. By understanding the energy flow in your home, you can create a harmonious environment that promotes good health and wellbeing.

    It is important to remember that Feng Shui is not a magic cure for all problems, but rather a tool for creating balance and harmony in your surroundings. By evaluating your living space and applying practical tips from this book, you can make small changes that have a big impact on your overall health and happiness. So go ahead, give it a try and see how Feng Shui can transform your home into a sanctuary of peace and tranquility.

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