This Is Your Brain on Music by Daniel J. Levitin: Review

In this groundbreaking union of art and science, rocker-turned-neuroscientist Daniel J. Levitin explores the connection between music—its performance, its composition, how we listen to it, why we enjoy it—and the human brain. Taking on prominent thinkers who argue that music is nothing more than an evolutionary accident, Levitin poses that music is fundamental to our species, perhaps even more so than language.  Drawing on the latest research and on musical examples ranging from Mozart to Duke Ellington to Van Halen, he reveals:• How composers produce some of the most pleasurable effects of listening to music by exploiting the way our brains make sense of the world• Why we are so emotionally attached to the music we listened to as teenagers, whether it was Fleetwood Mac, U2, or Dr. Dre• That practice, rather than talent, is the driving force behind musical expertise• How those insidious little jingles (called earworms) get stuck in our headA Los Angeles Times Book Award finalist, This Is Your Brain on Music will attract readers of Oliver Sacks and David Byrne, as it is an unprecedented, eye-opening investigation into an obsession at the heart of human nature.
13 Min Read

You long for an escape from the mundane routine of your daily life. You crave a glimpse of something magnificent, something that will take your breath away and leave you in awe. Luckily, Joe Cornish’s book, This Land: Landscape Wonders of Britain, offers just that – a stunning collection of photographs capturing the diverse landscapes of Britain.

Cornish is known for his exceptional photography skills, and he does not disappoint in this book. Each page is filled with breathtaking images of rugged coastlines, rolling hills, and tranquil lakes. As you turn each page, you are transported to a different location within Britain – from the majestic mountains of Scotland to the sandy beaches of Cornwall. You can almost feel the crisp air on your skin and smell the fresh sea breeze as you immerse yourself in these stunning landscapes.

But This Land is more than just a beautiful coffee table book; it highlights the importance of landscape photography and its impact on our relationship with nature. Through Cornish’s lens, we see how essential it is to preserve these natural wonders for future generations to enjoy. His work inspires us to appreciate our surroundings fully and encourages us to protect them so that they remain unchanged for years to come. This Land leaves you feeling grateful for all that nature has to offer while igniting a passion within you to explore more beauty in this world.

The Beauty of Britain’s Diverse Landscapes

You’re in for a treat as we delve into the beauty of Britain’s diverse landscapes. Scotland offers rugged coastlines that are both mesmerizing and awe-inspiring, while the rolling hills of the Cotswolds provide a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. And let’s not forget about Wales, where magnificent mountains tower over breathtaking valleys, creating a truly magical landscape. These three areas are just a small glimpse into the stunning natural wonders that await you in Britain.

Scotland’s Rugged Coastlines

Scotland’s rugged coastlines offer breathtaking views of dramatic cliffs, crashing waves, and picturesque beaches. It’s not just about the stunning scenery, though; these coasts also hold tremendous cultural significance and wildlife encounters that make for an unforgettable experience. Here are five reasons why Scotland’s coastlines should be on your travel bucket list:

  • Puffin colonies: Many of Scotland’s coastal areas are home to puffins, those adorable little birds with colorful beaks that seem straight out of a children’s storybook.
  • Whisky distilleries: Several whisky distilleries call Scotland’s coastline home, making it a great destination for whiskey enthusiasts.
  • Historic castles: The Scottish coast is dotted with ancient castles that once served as fortifications against enemy attacks.
  • Seafood feasts: The seafood in Scotland is fresh and delicious, and there are plenty of restaurants along the coastline where you can indulge in local delicacies like Cullen skink or fish and chips.
  • Outdoor activities: Whether you want to go hiking, kayaking or surfing, there are plenty of opportunities to get active along Scotland’s rugged coast.
  • Puffin colonies: Many of Scotland’s coastal areas are home to puffins, those adorable little birds with colorful beaks that seem straight out of a children’s storybook.
  • Whisky distilleries: Several whisky distilleries call Scotland’s coastline home, making it a great destination for whiskey enthusiasts.
  • Historic castles: The Scottish coast is dotted with ancient castles that once served as fortifications against enemy attacks.
  • Seafood feasts: The seafood in Scotland is fresh and delicious, and there are plenty of restaurants along the coastline where you can indulge in local delicacies like Cullen skink or fish and chips.
  • Outdoor activities: Whether you want to go hiking, kayaking or surfing, there are plenty of opportunities to get active along Scotland’s rugged coast.
  • Now let’s move on to the rolling hills of the Cotswolds…

    The Rolling Hills of the Cotswolds

    The Cotswolds’ rolling hills offer a tranquil escape from city life, with charming villages and picturesque countryside waiting to be explored. Take a stroll through the winding lanes of Bibury or explore the honey-colored cottages of Bourton-on-the-Water. These Cotswold villages are sure to take your breath away with their quaint charm and idyllic setting.

    But if you’re feeling more adventurous, head out for an invigorating walk in the great outdoors. The Cotswolds offers countless countryside walks that will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, surrounded by stunning views of lush greenery and rolling hills. As you take in the peaceful surroundings, let yourself soak in the freedom that comes with being disconnected from the hustle and bustle.

    As you move on to discover the magnificent mountains of Wales, remember that there’s nothing quite like exploring nature’s wonders at your own pace.

    The Magnificent Mountains of Wales

    Get ready to be blown away by the magnificent mountains of Wales! The rugged terrain of Snowdonia National Park boasts the highest mountain in Wales, Mount Snowdon, standing at 1,085 meters tall. For experienced hikers seeking a challenge, this peak provides an exhilarating climb with stunning panoramic views from the summit. But for those who prefer a more leisurely hike, there are plenty of scenic trails throughout the park that offer easier treks along streams and lakes.

    The Brecon Beacons also offer a range of mountain hiking experiences for all levels. These peaks hold cultural significance as well, with ancient hillforts and burial mounds scattered throughout the landscape. Immerse yourself in Welsh history while taking in breathtaking vistas from atop Pen y Fan or exploring cascading waterfalls along the River Mellte. As you journey through these awe-inspiring mountains, Joe Cornish’s photography skills capture their majesty and beauty in his book ‘This Land: Landscape Wonders of Britain.’

    Joe Cornish’s Photography Skills

    You’re seriously telling me that Joe Cornish’s photography skills aren’t mind-blowing? Don’t be ridiculous. Cornish’s artistic approach and technical expertise are evident in every photograph he takes, as seen in his book ‘This Land: Landscape Wonders of Britain.’ He captures the essence of the landscapes with such precision and detail that it feels like you’re standing right there next to him.

    Cornish’s ability to use light is especially impressive. He plays with shadows and contrasts, creating a sense of depth and dimensionality in each photo. His compositions are carefully crafted, drawing your eye towards a particular feature or element in the landscape. You can feel the mood and atmosphere of each place through his lens.

    In today’s world where we are constantly surrounded by screens and technology, Joe Cornish’s photography reminds us of the importance of slowing down and appreciating nature. Through his work, we can see how breathtakingly beautiful our world can be when captured by someone who truly understands its complexities. It also highlights the crucial role that photographers play in preserving our environment for future generations to enjoy.

    The Importance of Landscape Photography

    As you gaze upon a stunning landscape photograph, you are transported to a different world where nature’s beauty is captured forever. It’s the artistry of capturing natural beauty that makes landscape photography so important. Photographers like Joe Cornish have dedicated their lives to this craft, and through their work, they create an emotional connection between the landscape and the viewer.

    Landscape photography has the power to evoke emotions, inspire people and motivate them to make positive changes in their lives. The ability of a photograph to capture a moment in time can bring us closer to nature and help us appreciate its beauty. As we look at these pictures, we become more aware of our surroundings and start valuing them for what they truly are – wondrous landscapes that deserve our respect.

    Joe Cornish’s photographs in ‘This Land: Landscape Wonders of Britain’ demonstrate how landscape photography can have an impact on society as a whole. His work serves as a reminder that there is still so much natural beauty left in this world, waiting to be discovered and protected. Through his lens, he captures not only the physical aspects of these landscapes but also the essence and spirit of each location. This impact is one that resonates with many viewers who see his work as a call-to-action towards preserving our land for future generations.

    The Impact of This Land: Landscape Wonders of Britain

    Looking at the breathtaking photographs in ‘This Land’ can inspire a deep appreciation for the natural world and motivate viewers to take action towards preserving it. Joe Cornish’s collection of landscape wonders in Britain showcases the beauty of nature that is often taken for granted. The stunning images capture the essence of each location, bringing viewers closer to nature even when they are miles away.

    The impact of ‘This Land’ goes beyond just appreciating nature’s beauty. It has also played a significant role in preservation efforts across Britain. The book serves as a reminder of what we stand to lose if we do not take responsibility for our environment. It highlights the importance of conservation and encourages individuals and organizations to take action towards protecting our natural heritage.

    Moreover, ‘This Land’ has also contributed significantly to the tourism industry by promoting lesser-known locations that are equally as beautiful as popular tourist destinations. This not only helps increase revenue but also promotes sustainable tourism practices while reducing overcrowding in popular areas. Overall, Joe Cornish’s work reminds us that preserving our natural environment is crucial for both its intrinsic value and economic benefits – making us more conscious about how we interact with our planet.


    You’ve seen the stunning landscapes of Britain through Joe Cornish’s lens in This Land: Landscape Wonders of Britain. The way he captures the beauty of each location is breathtaking, and you can’t help but feel a sense of wonder at the diversity of these landscapes. Cornish’s photography skills are truly impressive, and his work highlights the importance of landscape photography.

    This Land: Landscape Wonders of Britain has a profound impact on its readers, reminding us of the beauty that surrounds us every day. It encourages us to appreciate nature and to take care of it for future generations to enjoy. So take a moment to appreciate all that this land has to offer and let Cornish’s stunning photographs inspire you to explore more of what Britain has to offer.

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