The Roots of Rock Drumming: Interviews with the Drummers Who Shaped Rock ‘n’ Roll Music by Daniel Glass: Review

(Percussion). The Roots of Rock Drumming is an insider's look at the beginnings of rock music as told by the drummers who were there when rock was born. Featuring interviews with 22 of the pioneers of rock drumming and later players who witnessed and were influenced by them, this book provides an amazingly insightful look at the makings of the music and the invention of a new style. Edited by noted drummer/historian Daniel Glass, and with interviews conducted by Paul Siegel and drumming legend Steve Smith, The Roots of Rock Drumming presents the stories of DJ Fontana (Elvis Presley), Jerry Allison (The Crickets), Earl Palmer (Little Richard), Buddy Harman (Roy Orbison/Patsy Cline), and many others. The package comes with 3-hours of video containing excerpts from the interviews. As a bonus, a special code in the book allows access to full-length interviews available online. A beautiful collection of photos, some never before published, completes this historical package, which all rock fans and drumming enthusiasts will want to add to their library.

Do you ever stop to think about the colors around you? The shades that make up our world are often taken for granted, but author Kassia St Clair argues that they have much more significance than we realize. In her book ‘The Secret Lives of Color’, St Clair delves into the history, symbolism, and cultural significance of various hues.

As you read through this fascinating book, you’ll begin to see colors in a whole new light. You’ll learn about the origins of certain pigments and how they were created throughout history. From the vibrant blues used by ancient Egyptians to the deep reds favored by Renaissance painters, each color tells a story about the time and place in which it was popularized. But it’s not just about aesthetics – St Clair also explores how colors can hold deep cultural and emotional meanings, such as white representing purity or black being associated with mourning. By uncovering these hidden secrets of color, St Clair invites us to rethink our relationship with these everyday elements of our surroundings.

Key Takeaways

  • ‘The Secret Lives of Color’ by Kassia St Clair explores the history, symbolism, and cultural significance of various hues.
  • Colors can hold deep cultural and emotional meanings, and understanding these can help us make better choices in our daily lives.
  • The impact of color on emotions can be seen in cultural traditions, marketing, and societal biases towards certain groups.
  • The book provides eye-opening insights into the world of color, from the evolution of color perception to the use of color in various industries.
  • ‘The Secret Lives of Color’ by Kassia St Clair explores the history, symbolism, and cultural significance of various hues.
  • Colors can hold deep cultural and emotional meanings, and understanding these can help us make better choices in our daily lives.
  • The impact of color on emotions can be seen in cultural traditions, marketing, and societal biases towards certain groups.
  • The book provides eye-opening insights into the world of color, from the evolution of color perception to the use of color in various industries.
  • Overview of Kassia St Clair’s Book ‘The Secret Lives of Color’

    If you’re curious about the fascinating history and stories behind colors, Kassia St Clair’s ‘The Secret Lives of Color’ is the perfect book for you! This book takes a deep dive into the world of color psychology and perception, exploring how different cultures have perceived and used colors throughout history.

    St Clair’s writing style is descriptive, analytical, and incredibly knowledgeable. She reveals intriguing facts about each color, such as why purple was once reserved for royalty or how pink became associated with femininity. Her research into the meanings and symbolism behind each hue provides a wealth of information that will leave readers feeling enlightened.

    As you continue reading ‘The Secret Lives of Color’, you’ll learn about the history of color itself – from ancient times to modern day – and how it has influenced art, fashion, literature, politics, and more. You’ll discover how certain shades were created using natural dyes before synthetic pigments were invented; how some cultures believed certain colors had healing powers; and how artists like Monet used color to evoke emotion in their paintings. It’s an eye-opening read that will broaden your understanding of the world around you.

    History of Color

    During the Renaissance, the color purple was considered a status symbol and was reserved for royalty and high-ranking church officials, much like how expensive designer clothing is viewed today. The dye used to create this color was extracted from a rare species of snail found in the Mediterranean Sea. Because of its rarity and cost, only the wealthiest individuals could afford this luxurious color. This association between wealth and certain colors reflects on the importance of color psychology throughout history.

    As society progressed over time, so did our perception of color. Our understanding of how we see colors stems from Sir Isaac Newton’s discovery that white light can be broken down into different colors with a prism. Later scientists built upon his findings to develop theories about how our brains perceive these colors. Today, we know that our eyes contain special receptor cells that are sensitive to different wavelengths of light, which our brains then interpret as specific colors.

    The evolution of color perception has led to a deeper appreciation for its symbolism and meanings in various cultures around the world. From red representing passion and love in Western cultures to it being associated with good luck in Chinese culture, each hue carries significant meaning beyond just what meets the eye. Understanding these cultural associations can allow us to communicate more effectively across language barriers and appreciate the true power behind certain shades.

    Moving forward into discussing the symbolism and meanings of different colors, it’s important to recognize their historical significance as well as their psychological impact on individuals today. Each hue holds unique connotations that have been shaped by centuries of cultural beliefs and societal standards.

    Symbolism and Meanings of Color

    You will be amazed at how the symbolism and meanings of different colors can evoke powerful emotions and shape our perceptions in ways we never imagined. Color psychology is a fascinating field that studies the effects of color on human behavior and emotions. For example, blue is often associated with calmness, trustworthiness, and reliability, while red can signify passion, energy, or danger.

    Color therapy is another method that utilizes the power of color to improve mental health and wellbeing. It involves exposing individuals to specific colors to help them overcome negative emotions such as anxiety or depression. This therapy works by stimulating the brain’s natural responses to certain colors and creating a sense of balance within the body.

    Understanding the symbolism and meanings behind different colors can help us make better choices in our daily lives. From choosing what clothes to wear for an important interview or deciding on a paint color for your bedroom walls, knowing how colors affect our moods can have a significant impact on our overall well-being. With this new knowledge about color psychology and therapy, you can take control of your environment and create spaces that promote positivity and productivity. As we move onto discussing the cultural significance of color, keep in mind how these symbols may differ across various cultures around the world.

    Cultural Significance of Color

    Exploring the cultural significance of color reveals how different societies assign meanings and values to certain hues, shedding light on the complexities and diversities of human beliefs and traditions. Color psychology is a field that investigates how colors can affect human behavior, emotions, and mental states. For instance, in Western cultures, white represents purity and innocence while black symbolizes death and mourning. In contrast, many Asian countries associate white with funerals and consider red as a lucky color.

    Cross-cultural color differences also exist among indigenous communities worldwide. For example, the Maasai people in Kenya use bright red ochre paint to decorate their bodies during rituals such as weddings or warrior initiations. The color signifies bravery because it resembles bloodshed from hunting or fighting enemies. Similarly, the Huli tribe in Papua New Guinea uses yellow pigments made from clay to adorn their faces for initiation ceremonies; yellow represents sunlight which they believe gives them strength and good fortune.

    Understanding these diverse perspectives on color can help us appreciate the richness of human culture beyond our own norms. Moreover, it shows how colors play an important role in shaping our daily lives by influencing our feelings towards objects or people we encounter regularly. This importance of color will be further explored in the subsequent section about its impact on society’s values and practices.

    Importance of Color in Society

    Well, aren’t you just color-blind to the fact that hues play a crucial role in shaping societal norms and values? The importance of color in society cannot be overstated. It is not only used for aesthetics but also has psychological effects on human emotions and behavior. Color psychology is a field of study that explores how different colors impact our moods, thoughts, and actions.

    Colors have the power to evoke certain emotions and reactions from individuals. For example, red is associated with passion and excitement while blue elicits calmness and relaxation. This knowledge is utilized by marketers who use specific colors to create certain emotional responses in consumers. Similarly, various industries such as fashion, interior design, and advertising heavily rely on the use of color to convey messages or set trends.

    The impact of color on emotions can also be seen in cultural traditions where specific colors hold symbolic meanings. For instance, white is considered pure and holy in some cultures while black represents mourning or death in others. In addition, the use of colors can also reflect societal biases towards certain groups or individuals based on their race or ethnicity. Therefore, understanding the importance of color can help us become more aware of its influence on our lives and promote inclusivity in our societies.


    As you close the book, you can’t help but feel a newfound appreciation for color and its many facets. Kassia St Clair’s ‘The Secret Lives of Color’ takes you on an illuminating journey through history, symbolism, and cultural significance of colors. You now understand why red was once considered a sign of power and how the color purple was reserved for royalty.

    St Clair’s work is not just informative but also engaging, her love for color seeps through every page. The ‘Secret Lives of Color’ has made you look at the world in a different light; every hue now has a story to tell. As Oscar Wilde said, “Mere colour…can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways.”And thanks to this book, you have just unlocked some of those ways.

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