The Complete Art of Tattooing by Erick Alayon: Review

This book contains 25+ years of professional Tattooing experience. Erick Alayon has been Tattoo professionally since 1988, no other tattooing instruction author can say that! This new volume contains Erick Alayon’s three previous best selling tattooing books plus a whole lot more! Most of Erick’s famous (or infamous!) typos have been corrected! Old info has been updated and new info has been added along with many additional explanations and insights. New topics include: photography, frame geometry, sterilization and more! While no book on tattooing is truly complete, this book has to be the most comprehensive one to date! The Complete Craft of Tattooing will be a great addition to your tattoo library!(notice: The sanitary guidelines explained in this book are in compliance with Suffolk County, NY Dept. of Health procedures at the time of writing. Please check with your local and state Dept. of Health office for guidelines specific to your area.)
14 Min Read

Imagine a world where you have the power to transform a simple piece of paper into magnificent works of art. Imagine being able to create intricate designs, beautiful animals, and delicate flowers with ease. The Complete Book of Origami: Step-by-Step Instructions in over 1000 Diagrams/37 Original Models (Dover Origami Papercraft) by Robert J. Lang is your key to unlocking this world.

This book is like a hidden treasure chest waiting for you to discover its secrets. With its easy-to-follow instructions and step-by-step diagrams, it provides everything you need to become an origami master. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced folder, this book has something for everyone. It contains 37 original models, each with its own set of instructions and diagrams that will guide you through every fold and crease. But this book is more than just a collection of origami patterns; it’s an invitation to explore the limitless possibilities that origami has to offer.

Overview of ‘The Complete Book of Origami’

You’re in for a treat with ‘The Complete Book of Origami’, where you’ll get an overview of over 1000 diagrams and 37 original models, all accompanied by step-by-step instructions that will keep you folding for hours. From basic origami techniques to complex folds, this book provides detailed guidance on how to create stunning paper art. You’ll also learn about different types of paper selection and the tools needed to achieve the perfect fold.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced folder, ‘The Complete Book of Origami’ has something for everyone. The book is organized in a way that’s easy to follow and allows you to progress through the models at your own pace. Each section builds on the previous one, so you can go from simple shapes to intricate designs with ease.

As you flip through the pages, it’s hard not to feel passionate about this ancient art form. The author’s love for origami shines through every page, inspiring readers to dive deeper into their own creativity and explore new possibilities with each fold. With ‘The Complete Book of Origami’, liberation is just a few folds away – so grab some paper and let the journey begin!

Organization of the Book

As you delve into ‘The Complete Book of Origami,’ you’ll appreciate the logical sequence of chapters that take you from basic folds to more complex models. With over 37 original designs and step-by-step instructions in more than 1000 diagrams, this book offers something for everyone, regardless of their skill level. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced folder, you’ll find satisfaction in creating beautiful origami creations with the guidance of Robert J. Lang’s expertise.

Logical sequence of chapters

Funny thing is, the book’s logical sequence of chapters makes it feel like folding origami is a breeze even for beginners. The chapter flow allows you to gradually build your skills and confidence in folding different models. Each chapter starts with basic folds and progresses to more complex ones. This approach gives you a solid foundation and makes the learning process less daunting.

The instruction clarity is another aspect that contributes to the ease of following along. The step-by-step diagrams are accompanied by clear explanations, making it easy to understand the folding process even if you’re not familiar with origami jargon. As you progress through the book, you’ll notice that each model builds upon techniques learned in previous chapters, allowing you to apply what you’ve learned in new and creative ways. By the end of this book, you’ll be able to confidently fold beginner to advanced models without feeling overwhelmed or intimidated.

Beginner to advanced models

You’ll be amazed at how quickly you can progress from folding simple models to creating intricate and impressive works of art with just a little bit of practice using this origami guide. The book offers a wide range of beginner-friendly models, such as the classic crane and frog, that are perfect for those just starting out in the world of paper folding. As you move through the chapters, you’ll encounter more advanced models that will challenge your skills and push you to learn new origami techniques.

To help you along the way, the book also includes useful paper folding tips that will ensure your creations turn out perfectly every time. These tips cover everything from choosing the right type of paper for each model to properly creasing your folds to create crisp lines. Additionally, there are two nested bullet point lists:

  • Origami Techniques:
  • Basic Folds (Valley Fold, Mountain Fold)
  • Squash Fold
  • Reverse Fold
  • Sink Fold
  • Paper Folding Tips:
  • Choose appropriate paper weight and size.
  • Use bone folder or other tool for neat creases.
  • Origami Techniques:
  • Basic Folds (Valley Fold, Mountain Fold)
  • Squash Fold
  • Reverse Fold
  • Sink Fold
  • Paper Folding Tips:
  • Choose appropriate paper weight and size.
  • Use bone folder or other tool for neat creases.
  • With these tools at your disposal, you’ll be able to tackle even the most complex origami models with confidence. And don’t worry if things don’t come together perfectly on your first try; like any skill worth learning, origami takes practice and patience. Keep at it and before long you’ll be creating stunning paper sculptures that will leave everyone in awe! Next up we have step-by-step instructions on how to create some truly beautiful designs!

    Step-by-Step Instructions

    Follow the easy-to-understand, step-by-step instructions in The Complete Book of Origami to create stunning paper creations. With detailed origami techniques and paper folding tips, even a beginner can make intricate designs with ease. Robert J. Lang’s 37 original models range from simple animals to complex geometric shapes, providing a diverse range of projects for all skill levels.

    As you work through each model, you’ll appreciate the clear and concise language used in the instructions. Lang takes great care to explain each fold and crease, ensuring that you achieve the desired result every time. The diagrams are also incredibly helpful, allowing you to visualize the process before attempting it yourself.

    Whether you’re an experienced folder or just starting out, The Complete Book of Origami is suitable for all levels. With its comprehensive collection of models and user-friendly instructions, this book will inspire your creativity and help unleash your full potential as an origamist. So go ahead and dive into the world of paper folding – who knows what amazing things you’ll create next!

    Suitable for All Levels

    Surely you’re not one of those who think origami is too difficult for you, are you? Well, fear not – The Complete Book of Origami has models suitable for all levels, even beginners like yourself. With beginner friendly folds and advanced level challenges, this book caters to a wide audience. Whether you’re just starting out or already have some experience with folding paper, there’s something for everyone in this comprehensive guide.

    Here are just a few reasons why The Complete Book of Origami is suitable for all levels:

    • Clear step-by-step instructions: Each model comes with detailed diagrams and written instructions that make it easy to follow along. You won’t get lost or confused when trying to create your own origami masterpiece.
    • Varied difficulty levels: From simple shapes like cranes and stars to more complex designs like dragons and insects, the book offers a range of difficulty levels so you can choose what suits your skill level best.
    • Practice makes perfect: The more you fold, the better you’ll become at it. With over 1,000 diagrams and 37 original models to try out, this book provides ample opportunities for practice and improvement.
    • Creative inspiration: Even if you’re a seasoned origami artist, The Complete Book of Origami will inspire new ideas and techniques that can take your skills to the next level.
  • Clear step-by-step instructions: Each model comes with detailed diagrams and written instructions that make it easy to follow along. You won’t get lost or confused when trying to create your own origami masterpiece.
  • Varied difficulty levels: From simple shapes like cranes and stars to more complex designs like dragons and insects, the book offers a range of difficulty levels so you can choose what suits your skill level best.
  • Practice makes perfect: The more you fold, the better you’ll become at it. With over 1,000 diagrams and 37 original models to try out, this book provides ample opportunities for practice and improvement.
  • Creative inspiration: Even if you’re a seasoned origami artist, The Complete Book of Origami will inspire new ideas and techniques that can take your skills to the next level.
  • So don’t let fear hold you back from exploring the world of origami! In fact, learning this ancient art form can bring many benefits into your life – which we’ll explore in the next section.

    Benefits of Origami

    Get ready to experience the benefits of creating beautiful origami art, as it can bring a sense of calm and relaxation to your day. Origami therapy is a form of creative expression that has been proven to reduce stress levels and promote mental health. The repetitive motions involved in folding paper can induce a meditative state that allows you to focus on the present moment, letting go of worries about the past or future.

    Origami also offers educational benefits for both children and adults. It improves hand-eye coordination, spatial awareness, and problem-solving skills. As you follow the step-by-step instructions in ‘The Complete Book of Origami’, you will learn new techniques and build confidence in your abilities. You can challenge yourself by trying more complex models or experimenting with different types of paper.

    In addition to personal benefits, origami can also be used as a tool for socialization and community building. Sharing your creations with others can inspire conversation and foster connections between people from different backgrounds. Overall, exploring the world of origami through ‘The Complete Book of Origami’ can lead to a fulfilling hobby that nurtures both creativity and well-being.


    Overall, ‘The Complete Book of Origami’ by Robert J. Lang is an excellent resource for anyone interested in the art of paper folding. With over 1000 diagrams and 37 original models, this book provides step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow and suitable for all levels.

    One of the main benefits of origami is its ability to promote relaxation and reduce stress. By focusing on the precise folds and intricate designs, you can enter a state of mindfulness that allows you to forget about your worries for a while. Additionally, origami can improve hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, making it a great activity for children and adults alike.

    In conclusion, if you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to origami that will inspire you to create beautiful works of art, then ‘The Complete Book of Origami’ is definitely worth checking out. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced folder, this book has something to offer everyone. So grab some paper and get ready to unleash your creativity!

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