STARTING POINT: 1979-1996 (PAPERBACK) by Hayao Miyazaki: Review

A collection of essays, speeches, inteviews and reflections by the acclaimed filmaker Hayao Miyazaki.

Have you ever felt limited by the traditional studio setup? Are you tired of shooting in the same four walls day after day? Nick Fancher’s book, “Studio Anywhere: A Photographer’s Guide to Shooting in Unconventional Locations,”offers a solution to your creative rut.

Imagine transforming an abandoned warehouse into a high-fashion shoot location or using a parking garage as your backdrop for edgy portraits. With Fancher’s guide, you can learn how to take advantage of any setting and create stunning images that stand out from the crowd. This book is not only for photographers who are looking for new inspiration but also for those who want to save money on expensive studio rentals or equipment. In this article, we will explore the benefits of shooting in unconventional locations and share some tips on how to make it work for you.

Benefits of Shooting in Unconventional Locations

Shooting in unconventional locations is not only exciting but also offers unique opportunities for capturing stunning images. When you step out of the traditional studio setting, you gain creative freedom to experiment with new lighting techniques and compositions that can elevate your photography game. You can explore different textures, colors, and patterns that are naturally present in these locations to create visually appealing images.

Moreover, shooting in unconventional locations adds an authenticity factor to your work. The rawness and imperfections of the location add character to your photographs and make them stand out from the rest. By using a non-traditional backdrop, you can create a narrative that connects with your audience on a deeper level than just aesthetics.

So next time you are planning a shoot, consider stepping out of the conventional studio setting and exploring new horizons. With some creativity and technical knowledge, you can transform any location into a studio without compromising on quality or control over lighting conditions. This guide will show you how to do just that!

Transforming Any Location into a Studio

With a little creativity and resourcefulness, any space can become an artist’s canvas, much like a painter with their brush. As a photographer, you have the power to transform any location into your own personal studio. This requires a combination of creativity and flexibility in your approach to equipment and lighting.

When shooting in unconventional locations, you may not have access to traditional studio equipment such as backdrops or lighting stands. However, this doesn’t mean that you cannot create a professional-looking setup. With some ingenuity, you can use available resources such as natural light or existing furniture to create unique compositions.

Another important aspect of transforming any location into a studio is being able to adapt to different lighting situations. Whether it’s using reflectors or diffusers to modify natural light, or bringing in your own portable lighting equipment for more control over the scene, having a flexible approach to lighting is key. By combining creative problem-solving with technical know-how, you can turn even the most mundane location into something visually stunning.

As you begin thinking about how to transform unconventional locations into studios for your photography work, consider some examples of how other photographers have done so successfully. From abandoned buildings and alleyways to parking garages and rooftops, there are countless possibilities waiting for those willing to think outside the box when it comes to finding their next shot.

Examples of Unconventional Locations

Who doesn’t love exploring abandoned buildings and finding unique backdrops for their photos? Creative inspiration can come from the most unexpected places, and unconventional locations make for a great backdrop for your photographs. From old warehouses to deserted beaches, there are countless opportunities to shoot in unconventional locations.

However, shooting in these locations also presents unique challenges. You have to be prepared for unpredictable lighting conditions and weather changes. Additionally, you may encounter safety hazards or legal issues when shooting on private property or in restricted areas. It’s important to plan ahead and obtain any necessary permissions before embarking on your location shoot.

Despite the challenges, shooting in unconventional locations can result in some of the most unique and visually stunning images. With a little bit of creativity and preparation, you can transform even the most mundane location into a stunning backdrop for your photos. In the next section, we’ll share some tips on how to successfully shoot in unconventional locations without sacrificing quality or safety.

Tips for Successful Location Shooting

To capture stunning photos in unique locations, you’ll need to plan ahead and consider factors like lighting conditions and safety hazards. Here are some tips for successful location shooting:

  • Scout the location beforehand to get a sense of the available light, any potential safety hazards, and how best to position your subject.
  • Pack only essential equipment needed for the shoot so that you can move around easily without being weighed down. A tripod or monopod can be helpful for stabilizing your camera in uneven terrain.
  • Be flexible with your plans as weather conditions can change quickly when outdoors. Bring extra gear like rain covers or umbrellas if necessary.
  • Communicate clearly with your subjects about what is expected of them during the shoot, including any safety concerns or instructions on where to stand.
  • Scout the location beforehand to get a sense of the available light, any potential safety hazards, and how best to position your subject.
  • Pack only essential equipment needed for the shoot so that you can move around easily without being weighed down. A tripod or monopod can be helpful for stabilizing your camera in uneven terrain.
  • Be flexible with your plans as weather conditions can change quickly when outdoors. Bring extra gear like rain covers or umbrellas if necessary.
  • Communicate clearly with your subjects about what is expected of them during the shoot, including any safety concerns or instructions on where to stand.
  • By following these tips and being well-prepared, you’ll be able to create stunning images even in unconventional locations. Remember that safety should always come first when taking photos outdoors and it’s important to assess any potential risks before beginning the shoot. With proper planning and equipment, you’ll have everything you need to capture beautiful photographs anywhere.


    Now that you have learned about the benefits of shooting in unconventional locations and how to transform any location into a studio, it’s time to take action. Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box and experiment with different locations. Remember that a great photographer can create stunning images anywhere.

    As you embark on your next location shoot, keep in mind the tips for successful location shooting. Be prepared, stay flexible, and communicate effectively with your team. With practice and persistence, you can become a master at creating beautiful photographs in even the most unusual places. So go ahead, challenge yourself and push the boundaries of what is possible in photography.

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