Living with Pattern: Color, Texture, and Print at Home by Rebecca Atwood: Review

A design book filled with beautiful photography and clear ideas for how to use pattern to decorate your home. If you focus on pattern, from texture and color to furniture and textiles, everything else will fall into place.

Are you looking to create a brand identity that stands out from the rest? Look no further than ‘LOGO Design Love: A Guide to Creating Iconic Brand Identities’ by David Airey. This book is an essential guide for anyone looking to design a logo or build a brand identity that truly resonates with their audience.

Airey, a renowned graphic designer, shares his expertise in this comprehensive guide, covering everything from the basics of logo design to advanced techniques for creating memorable brands. Whether you’re starting from scratch or revamping an existing brand, ‘LOGO Design Love’ offers valuable insights and practical tips to help you achieve your goals. So if you’re ready to take your branding game to the next level, read on for our review of this must-read book.

Key Takeaways

  • ‘LOGO Design Love’ provides a comprehensive guide to creating memorable brand identities, covering basics of logo design to advanced branding strategies.
  • The book emphasizes the importance of research in the design process, and provides practical advice on typography and color theory.
  • The author shares his expertise and experiences in the industry through engaging examples and case studies of well-known companies.
  • To create an iconic brand identity, it is important to understand the importance of simplicity, consistency, and emotional connection with the target audience. Strategic use of color psychology and typography can also be effective in creating a specific feeling or mood.
  • ‘LOGO Design Love’ provides a comprehensive guide to creating memorable brand identities, covering basics of logo design to advanced branding strategies.
  • The book emphasizes the importance of research in the design process, and provides practical advice on typography and color theory.
  • The author shares his expertise and experiences in the industry through engaging examples and case studies of well-known companies.
  • To create an iconic brand identity, it is important to understand the importance of simplicity, consistency, and emotional connection with the target audience. Strategic use of color psychology and typography can also be effective in creating a specific feeling or mood.
  • Overview of ‘LOGO Design Love’

    If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide on creating unforgettable brand identities, LOGO Design Love by David Airey has got you covered. This book is an excellent resource for designers and entrepreneurs who want to understand design principles and branding strategies better. The author shares his insights and experiences in the industry, making this book a valuable asset for anyone who wants to create iconic brand identities.

    LOGO Design Love covers everything from the basics of design principles to advanced branding strategies that are essential for creating successful logos. With its clear writing style and engaging examples, it’s easy to follow along with the author’s thought process as he walks readers through each step of the design process. What sets this book apart is its focus on creating memorable brand identities that stand out in a crowded market.

    Overall, LOGO Design Love is an excellent resource for anyone looking to create a strong brand identity. It’s filled with practical advice, insightful tips, and real-world examples that will help you take your logo designs to the next level. The strengths of this book lie in its clear writing style, engaging examples, and practical advice- all of which make it an indispensable tool in any designer or entrepreneur’s toolkit.

    Strengths of ‘LOGO Design Love’

    You’ll appreciate the book’s focus on showcasing successful examples of brand identity design, allowing you to learn from real-world applications rather than just theoretical concepts. ‘LOGO Design Love’ is filled with design inspiration that will help you create iconic brand identities. Each chapter features a case study of a well-known company and how their logo was designed. The author, David Airey, also provides insightful commentary on each case study, giving readers an understanding of the process behind creating effective logos.

    Through these case studies, you’ll see how brands have used their logos to build recognition and loyalty among consumers. You’ll also learn about the importance of research in the design process and how it can influence the final product. The book covers everything from typography to color theory, providing a comprehensive guide for designers at any level. With its practical advice and stunning visuals, ‘LOGO Design Love’ is an essential resource for anyone looking to create memorable branding.

    Despite its strengths, there are some weaknesses to be aware of when reading ‘LOGO Design Love.’ However, these do not detract from the overall value of the book. One such weakness is that it may not offer enough detail for experienced designers who are looking for more advanced techniques or strategies. Nonetheless, this should not discourage anyone from picking up a copy and learning from one of the most respected experts in branding and logo design today.

    Weaknesses of ‘LOGO Design Love’

    Although the book provides valuable insights, experienced designers may find that it lacks advanced techniques and strategies. The author mainly focuses on the basics of logo design, which can be helpful for beginners but not so much for those who have been in the industry for a while. Moreover, the book doesn’t offer any critique or analysis of existing logos to help readers understand what works and what doesn’t.

    Here are some alternatives that seasoned designers might consider instead of ‘LOGO Design Love’:

    • ‘Designing Brand Identity’ by Alina Wheeler: This comprehensive guide offers a step-by-step process for creating effective brand identities. It covers everything from research to strategy to implementation.
    • ‘Logo Modernism’ by Jens Muller: This visual encyclopedia showcases thousands of logos from around the world and analyzes their design principles. It’s an excellent resource for inspiration and education.
    • Online resources such as LogoLounge, Behance, and Dribbble: These platforms allow designers to browse through thousands of logos created by other professionals. They can also connect with other designers and receive feedback on their work.
  • ‘Designing Brand Identity’ by Alina Wheeler: This comprehensive guide offers a step-by-step process for creating effective brand identities. It covers everything from research to strategy to implementation.
  • ‘Logo Modernism’ by Jens Muller: This visual encyclopedia showcases thousands of logos from around the world and analyzes their design principles. It’s an excellent resource for inspiration and education.
  • Online resources such as LogoLounge, Behance, and Dribbble: These platforms allow designers to browse through thousands of logos created by other professionals. They can also connect with other designers and receive feedback on their work.
  • In conclusion, ‘LOGO Design Love’ is a great starting point for those who are new to logo design. However, if you’re an experienced designer looking to take your skills to the next level, you might want to explore other resources that offer more advanced techniques and critical analysis.

    Moving forward into tips for creating iconic brand identities…

    Tips for Creating Iconic Brand Identities

    Mastering the art of creating a memorable brand identity involves understanding the importance of simplicity, consistency, and emotional connection with your target audience. One way to achieve this is through color psychology. Colors can evoke certain emotions in people and can be used strategically in your brand identity design to create a specific feeling or mood. For example, blue is often associated with trustworthiness and professionalism, while yellow is associated with optimism and friendliness.

    Another important aspect of creating an iconic brand identity is typography choices. The font you choose can convey a lot about your brand’s personality and values. A sleek sans-serif font may suggest modernity and sophistication, while a bold serif font may suggest tradition and reliability. It’s important to choose a font that not only looks good but also represents your brand accurately.

    When designing a brand identity, it’s crucial to keep in mind that it’s not just about making something visually appealing; it’s about creating an emotional connection with your audience. By using color psychology and typography choices strategically, you can create a strong foundation for building that connection. In the next section, we will explore some case studies of iconic brand identities that have achieved this successfully without following any strict steps or guidelines.

    Case Studies of Iconic Brand Identities

    Step into the world of successful brand identities and see how they tell their stories through color psychology, typography choices, and emotional connection. The design process for iconic brand identities is not just about creating a pretty logo; it involves a deep understanding of the brand strategy. One example of this is Coca-Cola’s iconic red and white color scheme that has become synonymous with happiness, celebration, and joy.

    Another case study is Nike’s swoosh logo, which was designed by Carolyn Davidson in 1971 for only $35. The simplicity of the logo allows it to be easily recognizable from afar while still conveying the message of motion and speed. Nike’s brand strategy also revolves around inspiring athletes to push beyond their limits and achieve greatness, which can be seen in their famous slogan “Just Do It.”

    Lastly, Apple’s bitten apple logo has become one of the most recognizable logos globally due to its clean lines and simple design. The emotional connection created by this logo reflects Apple’s brand strategy of innovation, creativity, and user experience. By designing products that are intuitive to use while maintaining sleek aesthetics, Apple has successfully positioned itself as a leader in technology innovation. These iconic brands demonstrate how effective branding not only creates an attractive visual identity but also builds an emotional connection with customers through carefully crafted messaging strategies.


    Congratulations! You’ve just finished reading ‘LOGO Design Love’, a comprehensive guide to creating iconic brand identities by David Airey. This book is an essential tool for anyone looking to create a strong and recognizable brand identity that stands out in today’s competitive market.

    One of the strengths of this book is its practicality. The author provides clear and concise advice on how to approach logo design, from understanding the client’s needs to selecting the right typography and color scheme. Furthermore, the case studies included in each chapter provide real-life examples of successful brand identities that inspire creativity and innovation.

    On the other hand, one weakness of ‘LOGO Design Love’ may be its lack of depth in certain areas. While it covers all aspects of logo design, some topics could have been explored further to provide more in-depth insights into specific design techniques or strategies.

    To create an iconic brand identity, you need to think outside the box and push creative boundaries. Take Nike as an example- their famous ‘swoosh’ logo is simple yet memorable, instantly recognizable around the world. By breaking free from traditional design conventions and focusing on simplicity, Nike has created a timeless symbol that represents their brand values perfectly.

    In conclusion, ‘LOGO Design Love’ is an excellent resource for designers looking to build strong brands that stand out from the competition. With its wealth of practical advice and real-life case studies, this book will help you take your branding skills to new heights and create logos that truly resonate with your audience. So why not pick up a copy today?

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