Delirious New York: A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan by Rem Koolhaas: Review

Since its original publication in 1978,

Are you tired of navigating through websites that are difficult to use? Do you find yourself clicking on multiple links just to find the information you need? If so, then ‘Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability’ by Steve Krug is the book for you.

In this updated edition, Krug provides key principles of web usability that are easy to understand and apply. He emphasizes the importance of designing websites with the user in mind and offers new insights and examples on how to achieve this. By following his common sense approach, you can create a website that is intuitive and efficient for your audience. So why settle for a website that frustrates your users when you can provide them with an enjoyable experience? Let’s dive into ‘Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited’ and start liberating your users from unnecessary hassle.

Overview of ‘Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited’

So, you want to get an overview of ‘Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited’? Well, let me tell you, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in improving web usability. Written by Steve Krug, it’s an updated version of the original publication that has become a classic in its field. In this book, Krug offers practical tips on how to design websites that are easy and intuitive to use.

Book highlights include the three main principles of web usability: don’t make me think, it shouldn’t require effort to figure out what to do next; conventions are your friends, users should be able to recognize common patterns easily; and eliminate distractions as much as possible. These principles are critical for any website designer or developer who wants their site visitors to have a positive experience. Krug’s impact can also be seen in his emphasis on testing your website with real users throughout the design process.

Krug’s writing style is straightforward and engaging – he presents complex concepts in an easy-to-understand way. He uses humor and relatable examples throughout the book which makes it enjoyable to read while still being informative. So if you’re looking for ways to improve your website’s usability and create a better user experience for your visitors, then ‘Don’t Make Me Think’ is definitely worth checking out. Now let’s dive into some key principles of web usability…

Key Principles of Web Usability

You want your website to be easy to use, and that means following some key principles of usability. Usability testing is essential in ensuring that your website design meets the needs of your target audience. This involves observing users interacting with your website and identifying any issues they encounter.

User-centered design is another crucial principle of web usability. It means designing your website with the user in mind, rather than focusing solely on aesthetics or functionality. By understanding the goals and needs of your users, you can create a more effective website that satisfies their expectations.

Incorporating these key principles into your website design can lead to a more user-friendly experience for visitors. In the subsequent section about new insights and examples in the updated edition, you will learn how these principles have evolved over time and how you can apply them to improve your website’s usability even further.

New Insights and Examples in the Updated Edition

The updated edition of web usability principles includes new insights and examples that highlight the importance of mobile optimization, with 53% of website traffic coming from mobile devices in 2020. To help you understand why mobile optimization matters, here are three key takeaways:

  • Case studies show that businesses can lose potential customers if their website is not optimized for mobile devices. For example, a study found that 57% of users would not recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile site.

  • Case studies show that businesses can lose potential customers if their website is not optimized for mobile devices. For example, a study found that 57% of users would not recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile site.

  • User testing techniques have also revealed how important it is to prioritize content on mobile devices. Users tend to scan pages quickly on their phones, so it’s crucial to present information in a clear and concise way.

  • User testing techniques have also revealed how important it is to prioritize content on mobile devices. Users tend to scan pages quickly on their phones, so it’s crucial to present information in a clear and concise way.

  • By focusing on mobile optimization, you can improve your overall user experience and increase engagement on your website. A responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes will make it easier for users to access your site from any device.

  • By focusing on mobile optimization, you can improve your overall user experience and increase engagement on your website. A responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes will make it easier for users to access your site from any device.

    With these insights in mind, you can start thinking about how to apply Krug’s principles to your own website.

    How to Apply Krug’s Principles to Your Website

    Ready to make your website more user-friendly and engaging? Let’s explore how to apply Krug’s principles! One of the most important aspects of applying Krug’s principles to your website design is testing. User testing techniques such as A/B testing, heatmap analysis, and usability testing are essential for optimizing user experience. By gathering feedback from real users, you can identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions about how to improve your site.

    Another key aspect of implementing web usability is improving website navigation. Users should be able to easily find what they’re looking for on your site without having to click through multiple pages or search endlessly. Implementing clear navigation menus with descriptive labels and organizing content in a logical way can go a long way towards improving the overall user experience on your site.

    It’s important to keep in mind that applying Krug’s principles is an ongoing process. Even after implementing changes based on user feedback and improving navigation, there may still be areas that could be further optimized. Regularly reviewing analytics data and soliciting feedback from users can help ensure that your site continues to provide an excellent user experience over time. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way towards creating a website that is both visually appealing and easy-to-use.

    Improving the overall user experience and usability of your website is crucial for retaining visitors and achieving business goals. In the next section, we’ll dive deeper into why providing an optimal user experience should be a top priority for any organization with an online presence – so stay tuned!

    The Importance of User Experience and Usability

    If you want to ensure that your website is effective and stands out from the crowd, it’s crucial to prioritize user experience and make it a top priority in all aspects of design. User centered design involves putting yourself in the shoes of your target audience and creating a website that meets their needs. This means focusing on ease of use, accessibility, and intuitive navigation.

    Conversion optimization is another key aspect of user experience and usability. It involves making changes to your website with the goal of increasing conversions, such as sign-ups or sales. By analyzing user behavior and testing different designs, you can identify areas for improvement and optimize your site for maximum effectiveness.

    Ultimately, prioritizing user experience and usability can lead to increased engagement with your website, higher conversion rates, and a better overall reputation for your brand. By continuously monitoring user behavior and adapting your design accordingly, you can ensure that your website remains effective and relevant in today’s competitive online landscape.


    Congratulations! You have just finished reading ‘Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited’ by Steve Krug. This book is a must-read for anyone involved in creating websites or digital products. Krug’s common sense approach to web usability will help you design user-friendly interfaces that people will love to use.

    Krug’s famous adage, “Don’t make me think,”is a guiding principle throughout the book and serves as a reminder that every aspect of your website should be intuitive and easy to navigate. The updated edition includes new insights and examples that are relevant to today’s digital landscape. Applying Krug’s principles will not only improve the user experience but also increase your website’s engagement and conversions.

    Remember, designing for usability is not just about making things look pretty; it’s about creating an interface that makes sense, works well, and ultimately helps users achieve their goals. By implementing Krug’s techniques, you can create a website that not only looks great but also delivers results. So what are you waiting for? Start reading ‘Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited’ today and take the first step towards creating exceptional user experiences!

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