Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter by James Gurney: Review

From New York Times best-selling author of the Dinotopia series, James Gurney, comes a carefully crafted and researched study on color and light in paintings. This art instruction book is the follow up to the acclaimed Imaginative Realism: How to Paint What Doesn't Exist.James Gurney, New York Times best-selling author and artist of the Dinotopia series, follows Imaginative Realism with his second art-instruction book, Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter. A researched study on two of art's most fundamental themes, Color and Light bridges the gap between abstract theory and practical knowledge. Beginning with a survey of underappreciated masters who perfected the use of color and light, the book examines how light reveals form, the properties of color and pigments, and the wide variety of atmospheric effects. Gurney cuts though the confusing and contradictory dogma about color, testing it in the light of science and observation. A glossary, pigment index, and bibliography complete what will ultimately become an indispensible tool for any artist.This book is the second in a series based on his blog, . His first in the series, Imaginative Realism, was widely acclaimed in the fantastical art world, and was ranked the #1 Bestseller on the Amazon list for art instruction."James Gurney's new book, Color and Light, cleverly bridges the gap between artistic observation and scientific explanation. Not only does he eloquently describe all the effects of color and light an artist might encounter, but he thrills us with his striking paintings in the process." --Armand Cabrera, Artist
23 Min Read

Looking to master the art of mixing colors? Look no further than ‘Color by Betty Edwards: A Course in Mas.’ This course, created by renowned artist and author Betty Edwards, offers a comprehensive guide to color theory and practical techniques for mixing and blending colors. Whether you’re an experienced artist or a beginner looking to expand your skills, this course has something to offer.

The ‘Color by Betty Edwards’ course is designed to help you take your color mixing abilities to the next level. Through a series of engaging lessons and exercises, you’ll learn how to create a wide range of hues, shades, tints, and tones using just a few basic colors. By the end of the course, you’ll have a deep understanding of color theory and be able to confidently mix any color you desire. So why wait? Sign up for ‘Color by Betty Edwards: A Course in Mas’ today and start on your journey towards mastery!

Key Takeaways

  • ‘Color by Betty Edwards’ is a comprehensive course on color theory and practical techniques for mixing and blending colors, suitable for both experienced artists and beginners.
  • The course covers color theory, color mixing techniques, and color perception, with each lesson building on the previous one and emphasizing student feedback and practice exercises.
  • Understanding color theory involves understanding color psychology and symbolism, and the course provides a thorough understanding of primary, secondary, and tertiary colors, as well as the 60/30/10 rule and complementary colors.
  • The course can improve color mixing skills, color accuracy, and enhance creativity, leading to personal and professional growth, improved artistic abilities, and improved mental health, job satisfaction, and income levels.
  • ‘Color by Betty Edwards’ is a comprehensive course on color theory and practical techniques for mixing and blending colors, suitable for both experienced artists and beginners.
  • The course covers color theory, color mixing techniques, and color perception, with each lesson building on the previous one and emphasizing student feedback and practice exercises.
  • Understanding color theory involves understanding color psychology and symbolism, and the course provides a thorough understanding of primary, secondary, and tertiary colors, as well as the 60/30/10 rule and complementary colors.
  • The course can improve color mixing skills, color accuracy, and enhance creativity, leading to personal and professional growth, improved artistic abilities, and improved mental health, job satisfaction, and income levels.
  • Overview of the ‘Color by Betty Edwards’ Course

    Looking for a comprehensive course on mastering the art of mixing colors? Look no further than ‘Color by Betty Edwards’ – an expertly crafted program that covers everything from color theory to practical application. This course features a plethora of materials, exercises, and techniques that are designed to give you a solid foundation in the subject. The course is structured in such a way that it caters to both beginners and advanced learners.

    One notable feature of this course is its emphasis on student feedback. Whether you’re struggling with a specific concept or looking for advice on how to improve your work, the instructors are readily available to help you out. Additionally, the course comes with plenty of practice exercises that allow you to apply what you’ve learned in real-world scenarios.

    The ‘Color by Betty Edwards’ course provides a comprehensive education on color mixing. The structure of this program ensures that students receive a thorough understanding of the subject matter while also allowing them to put their skills into practice. Now let’s take a closer look at the actual structure of the course.

    Course Structure

    As you dive into the structure of this program, you’ll find that it’s like peeling back layers of an onion, revealing more and more about color theory with each lesson. The course is divided into 10 lessons, with each one building on the previous one. The first few lessons cover the basics of color theory, while later ones delve into advanced topics like mixing complementary colors.

    The lesson plan is designed to help you progress at your own pace. Each lesson consists of a video lecture by Betty Edwards followed by exercises that reinforce key concepts. You’ll also receive a workbook with detailed instructions and examples to guide you through each exercise.

    Overall, the course structure is well-organized and easy to follow. It’s clear that Betty Edwards has put a lot of thought into designing a curriculum that will take students from beginner to advanced level in their understanding of color theory. As you move on to the next section about ‘course content’, you’ll see how this structured approach translates into practical skills for mixing colors effectively.

    Course Content

    Now that you understand the structure of the course, let’s dive into the content. In this section, you’ll learn about color theory, which will help you better understand how colors work together and why certain combinations are more effective than others. You’ll also explore different color mixing techniques that will give you the skills to create any shade or hue you need. Finally, we’ll discuss color perception and how it can affect our interpretation of color in art and design.

    Color theory

    To truly understand color theory, you must first grasp the concept of primary colors and how they can be mixed to create secondary and tertiary colors. In Color by Betty Edwards, she explains that primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. These colors cannot be created by mixing other colors together. Secondary colors are made by mixing two primary colors together: orange (red + yellow), green (yellow + blue), and purple (blue + red). Tertiary colors are made by mixing a primary color with a neighboring secondary color on the color wheel.

    Understanding color theory is not just about creating beautiful artwork; it also involves understanding color psychology and symbolism. Colors have been associated with different meanings throughout history and across cultures. For example, red may symbolize love or anger depending on the context in which it is used. By incorporating this knowledge into your artwork or design work, you can convey specific emotions or messages to your audience through the use of color. With this foundation in place, let’s move onto learning about different techniques for mixing colors effectively.

    Color mixing techniques

    You can improve your color mixing skills by using various techniques, such as the 60/30/10 rule commonly used in interior design. This rule suggests that 60% of a room’s color should come from the walls, 30% from furniture and decor, and 10% from accents like throw pillows or artwork. By following this rule, you can create a cohesive and balanced color scheme.

    Another technique for color blending is to use complementary colors. Complementary colors are opposite each other on the color wheel, such as red and green or blue and orange. When mixed together, they create a neutral gray tone. Using complementary colors in small amounts can add depth and interest to your artwork or design project while maintaining color harmony.

    Transitioning into the subsequent section about ‘color perception’, it’s important to understand how our eyes perceive color in order to effectively mix and blend them together.

    Color perception

    Get ready to see colors in a whole new way with the fascinating topic of color perception. Did you know that what we perceive as color is actually just our brain’s interpretation of wavelengths of light? Our eyes have photoreceptor cells that detect three primary colors (red, green, and blue) and send signals to the brain, which then combines these signals to create all the colors we see. However, this process can be influenced by various factors, such as lighting conditions or even our own individual biology.

    Color illusions are a great example of how different factors can affect our perception of color. These optical illusions trick our brains into seeing something that isn’t actually there. For instance, the famous “checker shadow illusion”demonstrates how two squares with identical shades appear differently due to their surrounding context. On the other hand, color blindness occurs when certain photoreceptor cells don’t function properly, leading to difficulty distinguishing between specific colors. Understanding these phenomena is crucial for mastering color mixing techniques and creating accurate representations of color in art or design projects.

    With this newfound knowledge on color perception in mind, let’s dive into the benefits of taking Betty Edwards’ Color by Betty Edwards: A Course in Mastery Art Mixing Colors course without missing a beat!

    Benefits of the Course

    By taking the “Color by Betty Edwards”course, you will improve your color mixing skills and enhance your artistic abilities. This course will give you the knowledge and practical experience necessary to confidently choose colors that work well together. With increased confidence in your color choices, you’ll be able to create more stunning works of art.

    Improved color mixing skills

    Now that you’ve improved your color mixing skills, it’s like having a whole new set of paints to play with! You’ll be amazed at the range of colors and shades you can create by simply blending primary colors in different proportions. Here are three reasons why improving your color mixing skills is worth the effort:

  • Improved color accuracy: Once you understand how colors interact with each other, you’ll be able to mix colors more accurately to match the hues you see in real life or in reference images. This skill is especially important for artists who want to create realistic portraits or landscapes.

  • Improved color accuracy: Once you understand how colors interact with each other, you’ll be able to mix colors more accurately to match the hues you see in real life or in reference images. This skill is especially important for artists who want to create realistic portraits or landscapes.

  • Color psychology in art: Colors have a profound impact on our emotions and moods, and learning how to mix them effectively can help you convey specific feelings or messages in your artwork. For example, warm colors like red and yellow can evoke feelings of passion or energy, while cool colors like blue and green can create a sense of calmness or tranquility.

  • Color psychology in art: Colors have a profound impact on our emotions and moods, and learning how to mix them effectively can help you convey specific feelings or messages in your artwork. For example, warm colors like red and yellow can evoke feelings of passion or energy, while cool colors like blue and green can create a sense of calmness or tranquility.

  • Enhanced creativity: When you’re no longer limited by pre-mixed paint tubes, your imagination can soar! With improved color mixing skills, you’ll be able to experiment with new color combinations and create unique palettes that reflect your personal style and vision as an artist.

  • Enhanced creativity: When you’re no longer limited by pre-mixed paint tubes, your imagination can soar! With improved color mixing skills, you’ll be able to experiment with new color combinations and create unique palettes that reflect your personal style and vision as an artist.

    With these benefits in mind, it’s clear that mastering the art of mixing colors is an essential skill for any aspiring artist. Not only will it improve the accuracy and emotional impact of your work, but it will also give you a greater sense of creative freedom. So what are you waiting for? Let’s explore how this course can enhance your artistic abilities even further!

    Enhanced artistic abilities

    Enhancing your artistic abilities can open up new avenues for improved creativity and artistic expression. As you learn to mix colors more effectively through the ‘Color by Betty Edwards’ course, you will be able to create a wider range of hues and shades that accurately reflect your vision. This newfound confidence in color mixing will allow you to experiment with different color combinations and create artwork that truly stands out.

    Moreover, as you continue to hone your artistic skills, you will likely experience increased confidence in other areas of your life as well. Research has shown that engaging in creative activities not only improves mental health but also contributes positively to job satisfaction and income levels. By mastering the art of mixing colors, you are equipping yourself with valuable tools that can help unlock new opportunities for personal growth and professional success without even realizing it!

    Increased confidence in color choices

    Feeling more confident in your color choices can give you a sense of empowerment when creating artwork and expressing yourself creatively. With the help of “Color by Betty Edwards: A Course in Mastering the Art of Mixing Colors,”you can learn about color psychology and how to use it to your advantage. As you gain knowledge about how colors interact with each other, you’ll be able to make more informed decisions about which colors to use in your art.

    Here are five ways that increased confidence in your color choices can benefit your artistic abilities:

    • You’ll be able to create more cohesive and harmonious compositions.
    • Your artwork will have a stronger emotional impact on viewers.
    • You’ll feel more comfortable experimenting with new color combinations.
    • You’ll be able to better convey specific moods or messages through your art.
    • Your overall artistic style may become more refined and sophisticated.
  • You’ll be able to create more cohesive and harmonious compositions.
  • Your artwork will have a stronger emotional impact on viewers.
  • You’ll feel more comfortable experimenting with new color combinations.
  • You’ll be able to better convey specific moods or messages through your art.
  • Your overall artistic style may become more refined and sophisticated.
  • As you continue to practice what you’ve learned from “Color by Betty Edwards,”you may find that others begin to take notice of the improvements in your work. In the next section, we’ll take a look at some user reviews of this course and see how it has helped others improve their own artistic abilities.

    User Reviews

    As you explore the user reviews of “Color by Betty Edwards: A Course in Mastering the Art of Mixing Colors,”you will find a wealth of positive feedback from satisfied learners who have found the course to be both engaging and effective. However, it’s important to note that there may also be some criticisms mixed in with these glowing reviews, particularly when it comes to pacing or difficulty levels. Overall, the course has received a strong rating from many users who have successfully taken their color mixing skills to the next level.

    Positive feedback

    Good feedback is like honey, sweet and satisfying. In Color by Betty Edwards, the author stresses the importance of positive feedback in achieving success and growth in color mixing. Encouragement and validation are essential for motivation and inspiration to continue improving one’s skills.

    Positive feedback not only boosts confidence but also empowers individuals to take risks and explore their creativity. It provides a sense of satisfaction that comes from knowing that one’s efforts have been recognized and appreciated. With each small success, individuals gain more confidence to tackle bigger challenges. However, it is important to note that positive feedback should be sincere and specific to be effective in motivating individuals towards improvement.

    Despite the importance of positive feedback, criticisms can also provide valuable insights into areas for improvement. Constructive criticism can help identify weaknesses or mistakes that may have gone unnoticed otherwise. By taking these criticisms as an opportunity for growth rather than personal attacks, individuals can further develop their skills and achieve even greater success.


    When receiving criticisms, it’s important to take them as opportunities for growth and improvement rather than personal attacks. Some readers of “Color by Betty Edwards: A Course in Mastering the Art of Mixing Colors”have expressed their dissatisfaction with the instructional approach used in the book. They feel that the author could have provided more detailed explanations and examples to help readers better understand color mixing.

    Another criticism leveled against the book is its pricing strategy. Some readers feel that the cost of purchasing this book is too high compared to other similar books on color mixing available in the market. However, it’s worth noting that while some may find this book expensive, others may see it as a worthwhile investment due to its comprehensive coverage of color theory and practical exercises. Possible discussion ideas for these criticisms include exploring alternative instructional approaches or pricing strategies that could make this book more accessible to a wider audience.

    Moving on to the overall rating of “Color by Betty Edwards,”let’s take a closer look at what makes this book stand out from other resources on color mixing.

    Overall rating

    While some have criticized Color by Betty Edwards for its lack of instructional videos and limited focus on advanced techniques, it remains a popular choice among beginners looking to master the art of mixing colors. Now, let’s discuss the overall effectiveness of this course and student satisfaction.

    One of the most notable features of Color is its emphasis on hands-on learning. By providing exercises that require active participation, this course effectively helps students develop a deep understanding of color theory and how to mix different hues. Moreover, with step-by-step instructions and helpful tips throughout the book, learners can easily follow along at their own pace and gain confidence in their newfound skills. As such, many students have reported feeling satisfied with their progress after completing this course. Overall, while it may not be suitable for those seeking advanced instruction or looking for more comprehensive content, Color by Betty Edwards remains an effective introductory course that can help aspiring artists hone their color mixing abilities.


    Congratulations on completing the review of ‘Color by Betty Edwards’ course! You have gained a comprehensive understanding of the course structure, content, and benefits. The course is designed to help you master the art of mixing colors through practical exercises and theory.

    The user reviews indicate that this course has been highly effective in improving their color mixing skills. By enrolling in this course, you will be able to enhance your artistic abilities and create stunning works of art. Overall, ‘Color by Betty Edwards’ is an excellent investment for anyone looking to improve their color mixing skills and take their artwork to the next level. So why not give it a try? You won’t regret it!

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