365 Days of Art: A Creative Exercise for Every Day of the Year by Lorna Scobie: Review

365 Days of Art

Are you a drummer looking to take your skills to the next level? Have you been searching for a method book that can help you achieve complete independence on the drum set? Look no further than ‘4-Way Coordination: A Method Book for the Development of Complete Independence on the Drum Set’ by Marvin Dahlgren.

This acclaimed method book has been helping drummers develop their skills and unlock their full potential since its first publication in 1967. With its comprehensive exercises and techniques, ‘4-Way Coordination’ is designed to improve your ability to play four different rhythms simultaneously with each limb, allowing you to create complex and dynamic beats. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced drummer, this book can help take your playing to new heights.

Overview of ‘4-Way Coordination’ Method Book

So, you’re ready to dive into the world of drumming independence and want to know more about the ‘4-Way Coordination’ method book? Let’s take a quick overview of what this book has in store for you! This method book is designed to help drummers develop complete independence on the drum set. It focuses on teaching drumming techniques that will allow you to play different rhythms with each limb.

The ‘4-Way Coordination’ method book is perfect for those who are serious about developing their skills as a drummer. The exercises in this book are challenging, but they will help you build the necessary foundation for playing complex rhythms and patterns. By working through this method book, you’ll be able to develop your coordination and control over all four limbs.

In order to get the most out of this method book, it’s important to follow the structure of the exercises carefully. The first section focuses on basic coordination exercises that will help you build a strong foundation for more advanced patterns later on. From there, each subsequent section builds upon the previous one, introducing new concepts and challenges along the way. So, if you’re looking to take your drumming skills to the next level, ‘4-Way Coordination’ is definitely worth checking out!

Structure of the Book

You’ll notice that the structure of this guide is very well-organized and easy to follow. When you open up ‘4-Way Coordination: A Method Book for the Development of Complete Independence on the Drum Set’ by Marvin Dahlgren, you’ll see that it’s broken down into clear chapters that build upon each other. The instructional approach takes you through a step-by-step process, starting with simple exercises and gradually progressing to more complex ones.

Here’s a breakdown of the chapters:

  • Introduction
  • Basic Patterns
  • Syncopation
  • Three Limb Coordination
  • Four Limb Coordination
  • Jazz Applications
  • Each chapter has specific exercises designed to help you develop your coordination skills in a logical way. The book also includes helpful notes and tips throughout each chapter, as well as musical examples to illustrate how these techniques can be applied in real-world situations.

    Overall, the structure of this book is ideal for drummers looking to improve their independence and coordination skills. It’s designed to take you on a journey from basic patterns all the way through advanced jazz applications, providing a solid foundation for anyone looking to become a more skilled drummer. In the next section, we’ll delve deeper into some of the specific exercises and techniques included in ‘4-Way Coordination’.

    Exercises and Techniques

    Get ready to improve your drumming skills with the specific exercises and techniques found in ‘4-Way Coordination’! This method book is designed to develop complete independence on the drum set, and it does so by providing various technique variations that will challenge you in different ways. These exercises range from simple quarter note patterns to complex polyrhythms, making it suitable for drummers of all levels.

    One of the great things about ‘4-Way Coordination’ is that it provides practice routines that are structured in a way that will help you progress steadily. The book starts off with basic exercises and gradually becomes more challenging as you go along. This allows you to build a solid foundation before moving onto more complex patterns. Additionally, there are also sections dedicated to specific techniques such as bass drum control and hi-hat foot independence.

    Overall, the exercises and techniques presented in ‘4-Way Coordination’ are essential for any drummer looking to improve their skills. They provide a comprehensive approach to developing complete independence on the drum set, which is crucial if you want to be able to play anything that comes your way. Not only will practicing with this book make you a better drummer, but it will also give you a sense of liberation when playing since you’ll have greater control over your limbs. So start practicing today and reap the benefits of working with ‘4-Way Coordination’!

    Benefits of Practicing with ‘4-Way Coordination’

    By incorporating the exercises and techniques from ‘4-Way Coordination’ into your practice routine, you’ll notice a significant improvement in your ability to play with fluidity and finesse. The book focuses on developing complete independence of all four limbs, which is crucial for drummers looking to improve their skills. As you master each exercise, you will gain greater control over your limbs and be able to execute complex rhythms with ease.

    One of the benefits of practicing with ‘4-Way Coordination’ is increased musicality. By mastering the various exercises in the book, you’ll be able to add more depth and complexity to your playing. You’ll learn how to create intricate rhythms that complement the music you’re playing, rather than simply keeping time. This will allow you to express yourself more fully as a drummer and add new dimensions to your playing.

    Improved drumming skills are another benefit of practicing with ‘4-Way Coordination’. As you work through each exercise in the book, you’ll develop greater control over each limb individually and as part of a whole. This will help you play faster, smoother, and more accurately than ever before. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced drummer looking to take your skills to the next level, this book has something for everyone.

    Incorporate these tips into your practice routine and watch as your drumming skills soar!

    Tips for Getting the Most Out of the Book

    To get the most out of ‘4-Way Coordination’, it’s important to establish a consistent practice schedule, focusing on the fundamentals and utilizing metronome and recording devices. By following a consistent schedule, you’ll be able to build upon your skills and develop muscle memory. Focusing on the fundamentals will help you improve your technique, while using a metronome and recording devices will help you track your progress and identify areas for improvement.

    Consistent Practice Schedule

    Maintaining a consistent practice schedule is key to developing complete independence on the drum set, as Marvin Dahlgren explains in his book ‘Way Coordination.’ To achieve this, it’s important to create a time management plan that works for you. Set aside specific times during the week when you can focus solely on your practice sessions. Make sure that these times are realistic and fit within your daily routine. Additionally, consider finding an accountability partner who can motivate you and keep you accountable for sticking to your schedule.

    Consistency is essential when it comes to practicing any skill, but particularly so with drumming. By committing to a regular practice schedule and setting achievable goals for yourself, you will see progress over time. In the next section of ‘Way Coordination,’ Dahlgren focuses on the importance of fundamentals in developing complete independence on the drum set. Building upon a solid foundation of rudiments and basic techniques is critical for success in more complex rhythms and patterns.

    Focus on Fundamentals

    Focusing on the fundamentals is crucial for developing a strong foundation and achieving mastery on the drums. This means mastering drumming basics and technical drills that will improve your playing skills. Here are four fundamental areas to focus on:

  • Hand technique: Pay attention to how you hold the sticks, what grip you use, and whether you are using your fingers or wrists more.

  • Hand technique: Pay attention to how you hold the sticks, what grip you use, and whether you are using your fingers or wrists more.

  • Foot technique: Work on foot control by practicing heel-toe techniques and double pedal exercises.

  • Foot technique: Work on foot control by practicing heel-toe techniques and double pedal exercises.

  • Timing: Practice playing along with a metronome to develop consistent timing skills.

  • Timing: Practice playing along with a metronome to develop consistent timing skills.

  • Dynamics: Experiment with different levels of volume by striking the drums at varying intensities and speeds.

  • Dynamics: Experiment with different levels of volume by striking the drums at varying intensities and speeds.

    By focusing on these basic areas, you can build a solid foundation that will allow you to progress in your drumming skills. In addition, technical drills can help increase speed, precision, and coordination between all limbs.

    With an understanding of drumming basics under your belt, it’s time to move onto utilizing metronome and recording devices as tools for improvement – this will be discussed in the following section.

    Utilize Metronome and Recording Devices

    You can improve your drumming skills by using a metronome and recording devices as tools, which will enhance your timing and allow you to review and analyze your playing. Metronome practice is essential for building and maintaining a solid sense of time. It helps you focus on the beat, develop accuracy, and gradually increase your speed. Start with simple exercises like playing quarter notes or eighth notes at a slow tempo while keeping in sync with the metronome. As you progress, challenge yourself with more complex rhythms and faster speeds.

    Recording progress is also crucial for developing complete independence on the drum set. Recording yourself allows you to listen back to your performance objectively, identify areas that need improvement, and measure your progress over time. You can use different recording devices such as audio recorders or smartphone apps to capture your playing sessions easily. By reviewing these recordings regularly, you’ll gain valuable insights into your strengths and weaknesses as a drummer, which will help you set realistic goals for improvement. Remember that consistent practice combined with constructive feedback is the key to achieving complete independence on the drum set.


    In conclusion, ‘4-Way Coordination’ is an essential method book for drummers of all levels who seek to develop complete independence on the drum set. The structure of the book, which includes progressive exercises and techniques, allows for a gradual improvement in coordination and control over each limb. By practicing with this book, you will enhance your ability to play complex rhythms and grooves while maintaining a steady tempo.

    One of the most significant benefits of using ‘4-Way Coordination’ is that it challenges you to think outside the box and push past your limits. The exercises force you to use different combinations of limbs in unique ways that may feel uncomfortable at first but eventually become second nature through consistent practice. Moreover, by improving your overall coordination, you’ll be able to tackle more challenging musical genres confidently.

    Overall, if you’re serious about enhancing your drumming skills and achieving complete independence on the kit, then ‘4-Way Coordination’ should be part of your practice routine. With dedication and perseverance, you’ll notice significant improvements in your playing abilities over time – it’s just a matter of putting in the work!

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